Academic Achievers USA 2022

This particular tour’s unique nature lies firstly within the tour group. A group of like-minded academic achievers from across South Africa who get to interact, network and learn together, often forging new and lasting friendships. Secondly, the tour offers academically gifted learners the opportunity to further their quest in developing their skills and fulfilling their potential through attending private, thought-provoking lectures based on topical subjects, hosted by thought-leaders at world renowned universities! In addition to this, travelers will also go on campus tours to get an inside view of how these top class universities operate. It is important to expose children to the best in the world, for them to create an informed and accurate perception about opportunities that are available, how the best operate and how they can align themselves with the best. Whether it be by studying abroad or taking what they have experienced and applying it to their own work ethic. In addition to the above, the tour brings iconic sites to life through enlightening visits coordinated by local guides.