Tournament Registration
Please register your tournament with us
We would like to assist you by organising that an invitational team selected at your tournament tour overseas.
Benefits for you as organisers
For every 10 tour members we send one supervisor with, so you can travel overseas or free. This is a great motivator for your co-organizers, staff, and/or participating coaches.
Benefits for your tournament
Offering the opportunity at your tournament to be selected to tour will enhance the status of the tournament. This tour will make your tournament more attractive for schools and you will draw more and better schools. It offers a great incentive to use in recruiting new schools. As the participants will compete for the selection list, the standard of play will be raised.
Our tournament tours
- LS BEKKER BULLE O/11 Rugby Toernooi
- LS BEKKER BULLE O/13 Rugby Toernooi
- SPORTWENI O/13 Netbal Toernooi
- Glenwood u16 Rugby Festival Glenwood U/19 Rugby Festival
- KOSH Klerskdorp CERTISURE O/11 Rugby Toernooi
- KOSH Klerskdorp CERTISURE O/13 Rugby Toernooi
- ECHS O/14 Dogters Hokkie Toernooi
- ECHS O/14 Seuns Toernooi
- ECHS O/16 Dogters Toernooi
- ECHS O/16 Seuns Toernooi
- ECHS O/19 Seuns Toernooi
- Heritage Festival (Cricket to Sri Lanka and India)
- Founders Hockey Festival (Hockey to the Netherlands)
- ECHS O/19 Dogters Toernooi
- ECHS Voortrekker Betlehem Hokkie Toernooi
- WESTVILLE U/13 Rugby Festival
- Paarl Gimnasium O/16 Rugby
- Paarl Gimnasium O/14 rugby
- ITEC Rugby
- VKB O/13 Rugby
- VKB O/16 rugby
- Riebeeck Vallei O/13 Rugby
- Riebeeck Vallei O/13 Netbal
- Fairmont High Hockey
- Hansieweek Rugby – HS Hans Strijdom
- Hoërskool Garsfontein Hokkie
- Tuks-Reeks rugby, hokkie en netbal O/16
- NTK Rugby – Merensky HS

Travel and Sport’s strength & pursuit of excellence stems from the extensive lengths to which we go in having the largest, best-trained and experienced team in South Africa, notwithstanding our vast and established international network.. Our dedicated personnel are trained to offer a premium service, with non-negotiable standards of excellence.
Our friendly personnel are always on hand to ensure that your experience with us is of the highest quality. We endeavour to anticipate your needs before you do and take pride in delivering results timeously and professionally.
How Does It Work And Who Does What?
- You register your tournament online
- On the first day we hand out information pamphlets to all
- Parents who want to let their kids tour, answer us back, send us their reply
- During the tournament you/we select teams
- At the closing ceremony each selected player will receive a personal invitation to tour in the Invitational Team.
- All tour arrangements are managed directly between Travel & Sport and the parents
- You will be kept up to date regarding tour arrangements in the months prior to departure
- You tour!