Treverton College Academic Achievers Tour USA & UK 2019.

“It is a wonderful, unique opportunity for a young person to see some of the obvious tourist attractions; to visit some of the top universities; to get to know like-minded teenagers from other schools across South Africa; and to do it all at a cost which is well below what it would be if one […]
Gomotsegang Moche 2019.

Academic Achievers Tour West Coast, USA 2019 I had a really fun time on the tour to the USA and enjoyed every minute of every day. I saw places I only dreamt of seeing and met some amazing people on this tour. The chaperones and tour guides were also wonderful and took good care of […]
Review: Hoërskool Garsfontein 2019

Academic Achievers Tour West Coast, USA 2019 I am very impressed about the whole organization of the tour. Amazing to actually follow them day by day according to the tour schedule that us as parents received. Everything was just planned perfectly with absolutely no incidents. Excellent job well done. Hoërskool Garsfontein Parent of child touring […]
Review: Pretoria High School for Girls 2019.

Academic Achievers Tour Ireland & UK 2019 From the planning part it was perfect, we were kept in the loop the entire time, my daughter enjoyed every day spent there. Thanks. Pretoria High School for Girls Parent of child touring Read some more reviews
Review: Marlouise Booyse 2019.

Academic Achievers Tour West Coast, USA 2019 I personally would like to congratulate you on the highly efficient manner in which the whole USA West Coast Tour was organised. From day 1 parents were guided every step of the way, detail information provided and additional assistance given where needed. Not once did I doubt if […]
Review: Hilda Christie 2019.

Academic Achievers Tour Ireland and UK 2019 Ek wil regtig vir jou as toerleier gelukwens met alles wat met die toer gepaard gegaan het. Ons was van die begin af goed ingelig en jy was altyd bereid om enige vrae (selfs die simpelste vrae) met groot geduld te beantwoord. Dit was ongelooflik om te sien […]
Review: Amé Greyling 2019.

Academic Achievers Tour West Coast, USA 2019 It was an absolute privilege to be a part of a tour like this. Working with nice kids, meeting new teachers and exchanging stories, it was really awesome! I’ve never been to America and it would have taken me a long time if ever to get there on […]